Linhof Kardan Master GTL 8×10. Impact damage. Condition – 9J [4827]

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    A very large 8×10 monorail camera. It is being sold as parts and not suitable for use.
    The rear, large, standard has received impact damage. This twisted the rear frame, broken the glass and damaged the bellows. Now the viewing screen will not mount into the frame.

    Likely you can untwist the frame, replace the glass and bellows. However, the frame is cast aluminum and may just crack. We can recommend companies who will re-make the bellows.

    We would sell the front standard for £379.95. This is undamaged.
    It is missing the bellows and screen. Otherwise appears complete, but being sold as seen/described with no assurance of completeness.
    Condition details:
    Cosmetic: Moderate wear. Well, apart from it having been dropped!
    Mechanical: Working, other than the impact damage described.
    Cosmetic Condition:

    Functional Condition: J
    (Not usable without repair or cleaning. Shutter, meter, film advance may be stuck, jammed or broken.)